2017 Holiday Home Security Tips
It’s hard to believe but the holidays are already upon us. This holiday season CSS Alarms wants to make sure you enjoy your family and all that you are thankful for, but we also want to make sure your home security is not lacking. Yes, CSS Alarms offers some of the best security systems Nashville has to offer, but we also offer advice and safety planning tips for your home.
Here are some of the top ways you can protect your home this holiday season.
1) A Home Alarm System of Course!
Not only is a home alarm system and a rock solid home alarm monitoring service a deterrent to potential criminals looking to take advantage of this festive season, but it also allows you to know the status of your home during holiday travels. CSS Alarms & Services offers interactive alarm monitoring, so peace of mind is at your fingertips. Remotely check-in on your home by simply opening an app, thereby easily relieving any out of town anxiety.
2) Outdoor Lighting
By making sure that your home is well-lit, you can reduce a would-be criminal’s ability to hide in the cover of darkness. More visibility decreases their ability to get away without detection. An excellent way to achieve this is with dusk to dawn lighting, floodlights and motion activated lighting.
3) Be Social Media Conscious
Bring on the cameras! The holidays provide so many wonderful picture perfect moments that we immediately want to share on our social media platforms. But just who are we sharing these moments with? Those iconic Christmas tree pictures with piles of presents surrounding it may convey love and excitement to you but could also give motivation to a burglar. And then, by sharing travel plans you give them opportunity. Do not let your social media accounts be a road map to those that scour these types of sights for exactly this type of information.
4) Remove Visible Temptations
An easy way for your home to be less of a target is by making sure that gifts are not visible from outside your home. While the view of a brightly lit tree may be warm and inviting, it can make your home a target for criminals. From the street, they can see exactly where valuables are located. Don’t let your Christmas presents be a beacon to thieves.
5) How You Dispose of Packaging
After all the gifts are opened and unwrapped, we are left throwing away the packaging. Criminals are also on the lookout for the boxes you leave at the curb of your home. Discarded packaging advertises the types of valuables that you now have. By being mindful of how packaging is disposed of, you can reduce the chances of your home being a target.
Get in Touch With CSS Alarms
If you would like to speak with someone about your home security, alarm monitoring or security cameras please contact CSS Alarms at 615-356-2101 or click below to request a quote.